Warning: Use of undefined constant ACCUEIL_DERNIERES_OCCASIONS - assumed 'ACCUEIL_DERNIERES_OCCASIONS' (this will throw an Error in a future version of PHP) in /home/de96033/htdocs/auto/_satellite/vutruck/contenu/accueil.php on line 3
Camión Volquete trasero Renault
10/2016, 66.000 Km
10/2016, 66.000 Km
Camión Taladro Renault
09/2014, 141.000 Km
09/2014, 141.000 Km
Camión tractor Renault
09/2017, 378.000 Km
09/2017, 378.000 Km
Warning: Use of undefined constant ACCUEIL_DEPOSER_ANONCE - assumed 'ACCUEIL_DEPOSER_ANONCE' (this will throw an Error in a future version of PHP) in /home/de96033/htdocs/auto/_satellite/vutruck/contenu/accueil.php on line 8
Warning: Use of undefined constant ACCUEIL_DEPOSER_ANONCE_TEXTE - assumed 'ACCUEIL_DEPOSER_ANONCE_TEXTE' (this will throw an Error in a future version of PHP) in /home/de96033/htdocs/auto/_satellite/vutruck/contenu/accueil.php on line 9
Warning: Use of undefined constant ACCUEIL_DESCRIPTIF - assumed 'ACCUEIL_DESCRIPTIF' (this will throw an Error in a future version of PHP) in /home/de96033/htdocs/auto/_satellite/vutruck/contenu/accueil.php on line 65